Get out of Teaching

Get Out of Teaching Podcast Season 2, Episode 25 Michele Davies (Creative Energy Connection Therapist)

Elizabeth Diacos

For over two decades, Michele Davies taught in schools in both metropolitan and regional communities across all sectors. She managed visual arts curriculum development (F-12) for the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority for six years. A passionate advocate for The Arts and community development, she previously engaged personal and community arts practice alongside advisory roles for community organisations including Red Planet Political Posters and held a co-opted membership to the Board of Regional Arts Victoria.

Michele founded Creative Energy Connection after many years of service to community Arts and education. Having experienced the trials and tribulations in membership of many struggling systems she undertook extensive spiritual practice and therapeutic studies. Informed through exchange with Indigenous communities in Aboriginal Australia, India and training from International Teaching Masters of Systemic Constellation Therapy she continues to support others in service of transformation.

Creative Energy Connection provides wellbeing solutions for those who feel blocked to progress with life. Therapeutic solutions are delivered through Creative Arts therapy and Family and Systems Constellations therapy. The practice serves to empower healing and assist ease with affirmative direction for Individuals, families and communities ready to thrive.
Contact Michele via

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